Friday, October 9, 2009

correction!!! Show time change 6-8a.m.

hey! The show is now on from 6-8a.m. on Saturdays instead of 6-9. There was a mix-up with the new fall schedule...
As for the comment about why the show is on Saturdays from the june post (which I just happened to see only recently), which is a weekly Jewish holiday, I have two things to say. First of all, I am not a religious Jew (I'm not even considered a Jew in the eyes of religious Judaism, as my mother is not Jewish), and so I don't have a problem doing a show on Saturdays. Secondly, I do feel that my show appeals more to secular Jews and non-Jews than religious Jews. Having said that, I would like to make this show reachable to all people, regardless of their beliefs or cultural background, so I am going to try not to air my show on Saturdays, starting with the winter schedule in January. I would like to have a show on another day as well because I have always been conflicted over playing music that is performed by artists who are religious Jews. Out of respect for them, and for the religious Jewish listening public, I am going to try to have my show moved to another day by the beginning of next year. Again, this is entirely up to the kzsc PRC, as they create the schedule, but I will try to appeal to them with my argument. In the meantime, wake up early on Saturdays, and listening to my show (if it doesn't conflict with your personal beliefs.)!!!!!!

Abi Gezundt,

Dj Oy-Dog.

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