Monday, February 27, 2012

Annual Spring Pledge Drive!

Hey, peeps.

Oy-Dog here...shalom! Just a reminder that KZSC's annual spring pledge drive is coming up this Saturday, March 3rd. Please call and make a pledge/donation to kzsc during my show if you can. Any amount is great. I will be giving out awesome thank you gifts to those who pledge, and you will be letting the powers that be at KZSC know that "Muzikal Jewz" means something to you, and perhaps they'll keep me on the air just a little bit longer as a result! Most importantly, you will be supporting one of the last indie public music radio stations in the immediate area by helping us raise the funds to keep broadcasting to you lovely people!

So call 831-459-4036 or 831-459-2811 from 4-6pm, March 3rd, 2012, and make a pledge! You can also pledge online anytime at (just make sure to let them know which show you are pledging on behalf of!)

