Friday, June 11, 2010

New DAY AND TIME for Musical Jews and 3rd annual Jewish Beach Party Next Week

Hey Y'all!

DJ Oy-Dog here!

Thanks to all my loyal listeners, old and new, for tuning in each week. In typical wandering Jew fashion, the show and I are moving to yet another day and time slot for the summer months. "Musical Jews" will now be on Thursdays from 8:30-10:30pm until September...please make a note of it!

Also, next Thursday will be the first new summer show, and to celebrate, we will be having the annual Jewish beach party celebration!!!!! All of your favorite Jewish beach tunes will be spun by yours truly, to usher in the new summer season at kzsc! You don't want to miss it!

That's all for now...please stay tuned and I'll write in here a bunch over the summer, as I will be done with school for awhile and ready to focus more on the blog and the show! Well, I've got to go now...I still have to finish a twenty-pager before I can officially enjoy the summer!

